Auckland, Weather from Weather Underground

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Regards to the Queen and Mr. Tasman

Have you missed us?!  Another epic adventure back down to the south island has separated our voice from your eyes but now we’re back to tell the tale.  Joined by our friend Anna, we left the laptops at home and spent 3 days hiking on the Queen Charlotte Sound track and 3 days kayaking in Abel Tasman National Park.  With the exception of 12 plus hours huddled in a tent to avoid a monsoon on day 1 in Abel Tasman, the weather gods were in a bright mood and blessed our trip with incredible sunshine.  Rare was the moment where I wasn’t humming a happy tune.   Invigorated soul - check.  

Mosquito Bay in Abel Tasman:  waiting for the tide to come back in so we could paddle to the next camp
Before BanAnna’s ferry arrived from Wellington, Paul and I drove from Blenheim down the east coast to Kaikoura.  The highlight to a superior day was just before sunset when we found a spot to walk inland from the beach through a bit of forest to a waterfall where heaps of baby fur seals were frolicking in the pool.  These pups entertain themselves for a few months while mum is out to sea.  

Pups are hard to see but the one in the lower right hand corner is swimming on its back ... You can see a few more closer to the waterfall.  They were speed through the pool then flip through the air.  Could have watched for hours. 

Kaikoura Peninsula Walkway

Can you see me standing on the edge of the world?

MORE PICTURES TO FOLLOWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...............................

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