Auckland, Weather from Weather Underground

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Beautiful Becca!!
Chrismukkah on the Beach was quite an experience!  Our accommodations were lovely and had an incredible view of the Tasman Sea.  Kiwis in that part of the world like to hit the beach no matter what the conditions - 4 wheelers, motorbikes, horses, cars, trucks, tour buses - you name it, they got it.  It was a blast!  

Our view included these 3 beauties    

Ahipara Bay


Santa & reindeer (?) on Christmas morning - escorted by blazing sirens of firetruck

Christmas Day tramp

Dominating the sand dunes

Bubbles courtesy of Aunt Priscilla!

Okahu Winery

Happy Chrismukkah!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Santa and a reindeer have been sighted in Ahipara, New Zealand.  We think he is likely to be headed across the Pacific to North America.  Hope he is as good to you as he has been to us!