Auckland, Weather from Weather Underground

Friday, April 27, 2012


This past Wednesday was ANZAC Day which for the Aussies and Kiwis commemorates those who have served and died in military service, originally to honor the soldiers who fought at Gallipoli during World War I.  Paul attended the dawn service here in Auckland at the Auckland War Memorial Museum, along with about 10,000 others!  I listened from our apartment....but was moved by the patriotism of the day....just in my pajamas.  
Oh yeah - we had to move!  We've downsized but gained a fabulous view of the Sky Tower.  Much love to everyone!! 

The view if you were sitting in our living room/kitchen/dining room.

Doesn't this make you want to play tennis?!

Dawn service at the museum on ANZAC day

Later in the day we drove up to Shakespear Regional Park which is 50 kilometers north of Aucks.  These folks are digging for cockles (clam) in Okoromai Bay. 

Looking down into Army Bay and the Hauraki Gulf on the north side of Shakespear

Little bit is skeptical.  Can't say I blame her! 

Happy ANZAC!  kthxxx byeeee

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