Auckland, Weather from Weather Underground

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Happy Holidays from Hong Kong!

Hong Kong skyline looking back from Kowloon side
We've returned from China to discover that summer has finally come in Auckland.  Our first day back was a beautiful, breezy 80 degree day.  Unfortunately the jet lag had both of us napping it much away.  Here are a few images from Hong Kong to ring in the season.

As a side note, we couldn't access our blog in People's Republic of China (hence the belated updates).  It looks like the Chinese government has blocked all web addresses- perhaps as part of their ongoing attempts at monitoring/suppressing free speech.

Google's take on the issue of Chinese government actively breaking in to human rights activist's email accounts.

Blue Christmas?
Holiday lights of Hong Kong Island
At The Peak on a foggy but beautiful night
Merry X-mas everyone!


  1. I know you two are both taking pics, and I gotta say .. they are really good. After having taken my photo class I can be a bit more authoritative, and you both have a good eye for composition and subject. I'm serious.

  2. hey your image "At The Peak on a foggy but beautiful night" is very nice, I think that was the one of the best beautiful night in Hong Kong, if I am planning for Luxury holidays to Hong Kong then I will definitely go for “foggy Peak in Hong Kong” for Hong Kong Holidays.

    Thanks for sharing with us.
