Auckland, Weather from Weather Underground

Tuesday, October 04, 2011


Black Swan!

This past weekend we got a rare opportunity to give all 5 senses a serious workout.  Paul and I drove down to Taupo on Friday evening.  Taupo is a cute little touristy town on the northeast corner of Lake Taupo which lies in a caldera that developed as a result of the most massive volcanic eruption in history 26,500 years ago.  The area surrounding the lake is still an active geothermal field which means hot springs abound and the smell of sulphur rears it's stinky stench.  Our motel room even had a thermal mineral pool which filled with water pumped from below the surface.  Quite flash!  Unfortunately the sky stayed fairly cloudy so we couldn't see the 3 looming volcanoes on the opposite side of the lake but on a clear day it is supposed to be spectacular.  We spent Saturday following the Waikato River to Huka Falls which Paul thoroughly enjoyed!  The water doesn't fall a far distance but there is a narrowing of the river's path before the fall which turns the water into a churning freight train of aqua blue water.  Absolutely gorgeous. 

Waikato River 

Hot Spring Stream

Thunder River!

Huka Falls

Sunday we made our way up to Rotorua by way of Wai-O-Tapu (first by way of a super rad dam that Paul may nerd alert you about separately).  Wai-O-Tapu has to be the most unique place we've been to yet.  There is truly no way to describe or show with pictures how extraordinary it was.  It is a gurgling, steaming, smelly, colorful wonderland of geothermal activity.  Yes I said wonderland.  I felt like I was walking on Mars.  Here are some of the highlights, I'll probably send out a picture gallery to show the full monty.  
Artist's Palatte

Money shot - Champagne Pool

Devil's Bath


  1. Hope your sense of smell survived. Those rivers and pools are beautiful.

  2. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Gorgeous pictures! Love the last one -- Such happiness! Tammy E.
