Auckland, Weather from Weather Underground

Sunday, July 03, 2011

First thoughts

  1. Our hotel has flat screen TVs in all the elevators with techno music and wildlife movies playing (mostly penguins)
  2. Coriolis was right! Coriolis effect
  3. New Zealand has its own version of Netflix called Fatso
First day of work tomorrow- wish me luck!


  1. Warning: Instant streaming on Fatso can lead to Couch Ass and the uncontrollable urge to devour pizza bagels and pretzel rods.

    You will dominate tomorrow. Loves!

  2. Two of my burning questions already answered! (Coriolus and Fatso, though I'm sure the techno peguins are great.) Hugs!

  3. Did Coriolis come as an unintended revelation, or was it on your "to do" list?

  4. Coriolis definitely made the to do list- i have been thinking about it since 4th grade geography
