It's been awhile for me since my last post. Our goal had been at least a couple of updates a week but work has really sped up for me and thus I haven't been keeping up my end of the bargain.
Fear not however as I have come up with a solution. Since most of what I have been doing is working, I thought it might be interesting to write a bit about working. Just as a tidbit, the news about what is happening in Washington with the US debt is HUGE news here. Obviously, American culture is pervasive- from the radio stations all essentially playing hiphop all the time to the fact that everyone in this country seems to have an iPad or iPhone or both. But one doesn't always remember how closely economies in the rest of the world are tied to us. Anyway, it's interesting but maybe I will save that for another post.
What ever name you put on this system (socialized, public, equitable health), it's quite different in a lot of ways. Maybe I should start by saying that I truly believe the US health care system is broken. Waste occurs at every turn for a multitude of reasons. In a fatalistic way, I was ready to give Obamacare a shot (even if he does think tonsillectomies are evil). The US health care system is simply not sustainable and I figure that something has to change.
More to come later on today . . . have to get my clinic going.
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